How To Debug A ScreenSaver on Mavericks with XCode 5

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Until now, I installed the screensaver, launched System Preferences, chose the ScreenSaver and debugged it. There had to be a simpler way. And there is.


The idea is to tell XCode to use the ScreenSaverEngine as executable and launch it with our built screensaver.

This is how you do it:

  1. Edit scheme
  2. Edit your Pre-Actions:

  3. Edit Run Info:

    (choose ScreenSaverEngine located in /System/Library/FrameWorks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources)
  4. Edit Run Arguments:
  5. Hit ⌘-R

  • Links
  • Footnotes:
  1. For some reason, the build-variables can't be used here, if they could, I'd recommend this:
    -background -module "$FULL_PRODUCT_NAME"